New ATO scam via text message
There is a new text message scam you may receive, details are similar as follows:
You are eligible to receive a refund of 395.60 AUD. Please click the link to submit your refund request:
If you click on the link, the links opens a PRETEND login page for myGov. This page will ask you to login to myGov via you bank account.
NEVER login to myGov via your bank provider. Only use the myGov login,
The ATO will only send email or SMS notifications from myGov to let you know there are new messages in your myGov Inbox. The myGov notifications will not contain links.
ATO messages will never ask you to reply by SMS or email to provide personal information, such as your tax file number (TFN) or your personal bank account number or BSB.
If you are unsure about the authenticity of ATO correspondence, please phone the ATO on 1800 008 540 or report online.