Live smarter, not harder; Live life in balance.
Life gets busy and at times we forget and do not make time for the important things.
If we are able to balance our lives with, "8 hours for Work, 8 hours for Sleep, 8 hours for WHAT WE WILL." Anonymous, we will have a more satisfying life.
What do you like to do to relax? For everyone this is different. What makes you truly happy? Do something everyday (small or big) that will help you to be happy.
Start a gratitude journal and look for the happy moments in your life. Everyday write one thing that made you happy throughout that day; it could be that "someone smiled at you" or "you were able to go for a walk". This will change the way you look at life and you will be that bit happier.
First blog for ABF Partners. Our blogs will vary in content from all things tax, accounting and financial planning to random and other.