Beware of SCAMS - ATO & ASIC

Beware of emails, text messages and phone calls you may receive from the ATO, ASIC and any other government body, they may be a scam.
Scams are designed to trick you into paying money or giving out your personal information.
If you are in doubt, either report or verify before responding and giving our any personal information.
Below are some some samples we have received.
For further information or clarification, look at the ATO website and the ASIC website or contact our office.
-------- Original message --------
From: Australian Government Department of Human Services <>
Date: xx/xx/xxxx xx:xx PM (GMT+10:00)
To: <>
Subject: - Your 2017 Subsidy benefit - M4LNU

The Department of Human Services is pleased to inform you of your qualification for 2017 subsidy benefit. In order to affirm your eligibility, simply reply to this securemessage with the following details as listed below & you will be notified shortly. `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Given name (first only): Family name/Surname: Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy): Tax File Number: Complete Address (Street number & name/Suburb/State/Postcode): `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Enter at least 2 of the information listed below correctly
``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````1. Dividends statement (one from the last 2 years) Enter the investment reference number from your dividend statement (no spaces or '/' symbols, e.g. X0011223344) : 2. Notice of assessment (one from the last 5 years) Enter the date of issue from your notice of assessment (DD/MM/YYYY): & Enter the sequence or our reference number from your notice of assessment (no spaces) : 3. PAYG summary (one from the last 2 years) Enter the gross amount (no spaces or "$" "." symbols, e.g. $48,000.00 enter 48000): 4. Centrelink payment summary (one from the last 2 years) Enter the taxable income amount from your Centrelink payment summary (no spaces or "$" "." symbols, e.g. $48,000.00 enter 48000): 5. Enter either a bank account your income tax refund was paid into for the last financial year, or an interest bearing investment account from the last 2 years. Enter BSB: & Enter Account Number: ©2017 Commonwealth of Australia | Department of Human Services ABN 90 794 605 008
********************************************************************************** This message is intended for the addressee named and may contain privileged information or confidential information or both. If you are not the intended recipient please delete it and notify the sender. **********************************************************************************
From: ASIC Messaging Service [] Sent: DAY, X MONTH 2018 XX:XX AM To: <> Subject: Renewal

Please find information in the following link regarding the renewal for your company.
Renewal letter
Select this link to view, save or print the information. This link will remain active for 15 days.
If you no longer need your business name to be registered, please email us at and include:
Your business name
Your name and telephone number
If you have any questions, contact us at
Lily Mills Senior Executive Leader Registry Australian Securities and Investments Commission
Please consider the environment before printing this document
Information collected by ASIC may contain personal information. Please refer to our Privacy policy for information about how we handle your personal information, your rights to seek access to and correct personal information, and how to complain about breaches of your privacy by ASIC.
This e-mail and any attachments are intended for the addressee(s) only and may be confidential. They may contain legally privileged or copyright material. You should not read, copy, use or disclose them without authorisation. If you are not the intended recipient please contact the sender as soon as possible by return e-mail and then please delete both messages. This notice should not be removed.